Just startup IC-Prog with the following command line: IC-Prog Option1 Option2 etc. Options: -p Program device -v Verify device -r Read device -i Mainform invisible -x Enable smartcard (Through Pic Programming) -t00 Device type (00 can be any valid device) //NOT CHECKED! -g00 Programmer type (00 can be any valid programmer) //NOT CHECKED! -o0 Port type (0 can be any number 1-4, which corresponds to either LPT or COM) //NOT CHECKED! -ft0 Select the Filetype (0 can be any value between 1 and 7) 1=IHX8,2=IHX16,3=BIN etc. -lFILENAME Load a file (Currently only IHX8 files can be loaded) -sFILENAME Save file as FILENAME (Currently only IHX8 files can be saved) -q Quit after last command -fxxxx Fuse word = xxxxh Example: IC-Prog -ltest1.hex -p -v -i -f3EEA -q The test1.hex will be loaded. Then it will be programmed. You still get the message 'Do you want to program?'. Afterwards the device will be verified. You also get the message box 'Verified succesfully'. When ic-prog is finished it is automaticly closed and the mainform isn't visible at all.